Top 5 essentials every high school student needs


It’s never too late to reinvent and revamp our attitudes about going back to school, even after it has started! Part of the process is putting together a carefully crafted set of back to school essentials – who else gets insanely psyched when it’s time to shop for school supplies?! Seriously, it’s one of the only things that can get me “in the mood” for school when I’m still busy soaking up the last bits of summer sunshine. Making sure that these five essentials are part of your arsenal is just another simple way of staying on top of things amid the chaos. Trust me, you don’t want to fall into that void… too many times.


#1: A monthly planner

This $14.99 investment will last you the entire school year!

Chapters and Indigo have so many beautiful planners to choose from (yes, even for the boys out there)! We’ve all seen the glorious collection of Kate Spade stationery just begging to be purchased. From my experience, these “view by month” planners are the best, because they allow you to visualize exactly how close your deadlines are. They’re also thinner and lighter than the “view by week” planners, and they use less paper. Most people panic when they can’t find their phone – I’m the one that freaks out when I can’t find my planner.


#2: A good, sturdy backpack


Pick one that reflects your personal style and tastes – stylish backpacks have really made a strong comeback recently, so it shouldn’t be an impossible task. Make sure it is also big enough to fit your BINDERS – those usually take up the most space. It’s best to pick one with multiple layers for better organization. Herschels are made of durable canvas materials, and as a bonus, you can simply toss it in the washing machine if it gets dirty. Jansport backpacks are also known to be quite reliable, plus they come in almost every colour & pattern imaginable. 

#3: Earphones or earplugs

The chaos and noise level in the classroom can get out of control sometimes. If you are committed to improving your time efficiency, block out the screeching and yelling with some noise-cancelling earbud action. It’ll be easier to get work done to some music any day. At least you know what you’re listening to and what to expect. On the other hand, if any sound is a distraction, swap the music for some earplugs instead. You can find industrial level noise-cancelling earplugs at hardware stores, sports shops, or even music stores. Home Depot is a good place to start your search.

#4: A water bottle and healthy snacks 

Stay hydrated! Getting enough of the blue stuff helps your brain and body function at a higher level. You can avoid missing class for a water fountain break or a vending machine spree. Plus, eating small healthy meals/snacks throughout the day really keeps your metabolism going and going and going. These filter type water bottles are incredibly eco-friendly (made of recycled materials), and you can pretty much fill up anywhere, even from the tap.

As for snacks, try to stay away from frankenfood. If it requires three layers of packaging and half a page to fit the ingredients list… run. Wholesome foods are always the best option – fruits, raw veggies, nuts, yogurt – these are good places to start.

#5: Graphing Calculator & EXTRA BATTERIES 

Ah-ha! Bet you didn’t see this one coming did you? But if you’re taking any high school math courses, believe me when I say that this is a basic survival tool. Even if you aren’t using it for the extended functions in your current unit, it’s still a comforting safety blanket to have around. Plus, you can type pickup lines for your friends or practice drawing the back of your teacher’s head using it if you genuinely run out of things to do.

Having extra batteries will also save your life in case it starts powering down in the middle of an exam.

Hopefully these little things will make the school year less of a harrowing task. I didn’t mention it in this post, but the other most important thing you need to have with you at all times is A POSITIVE ATTITUDE! With this not-so-secret weapon you can conquer the world – school should easily be a breeze.



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