Top three creative art ideas

  1. Capture things at unusual times:

Whenever you want to impress people, this is always a good place to start. It is really amazing to see something usual in an unusual state, people don’t see these things everyday captured by artwork; whether as a photograph or as a painting or anything else. It really brings us a different view of the world and to us humans, there is something inspiring about perceiving something regular in an irregular time. It leaves an impression, especially when the artwork is presented is an outstanding way. Some examples of this technique:

  • A picture of when a bullet just flashes through water
  • Or just a bullet firing:
  • An athlete midair or mid-movement
  • Dancers in motion:
  • Nature in Motion:
  • Animals:
  • Natural scenery like water falls will work too, but they are more common.

2. Environmental art:

I’m not suggesting that you should all go “green”. I just know that there is a part of everyone that is touched by nature.  There is something exciting about looking at what made all of us. This is also another way for you to express any ideas you have about nature that you might not want to explicitly say or write down, but you still want to express. Don’t be afraid to try anything like this, it will always turn out to be appreciated!







3. Paint/Draw/Take a photo of something that you care about:

This works every time. Make your next project on something you love. Some people might think that they hate everything, but find something in the world that you care about and you will find inspiration. Your parents, your siblings, your childhood home, your grandparents, your first dog. Those might all be things in your life that you love; but there are others too that might not seem that significant but could mean a lot. A butterfly you saw at the park one day, your first doll, a flower you found when something in your life happened, or maybe even just that latte you had after your first breakup. There are a lot of things in your life that are important to you; you just have to look. And it is those things that will make the most difference in your artwork, and it shows once you are done.

Since, this one is more personal, I wouldn’t provide examples.