Top 10 Youth Volunteer Corps Volunteers!

Sandwich making for the homeless at Bishop Carroll High School

Those who can, do.  Those who can do more, volunteer. – Anonymous

In celebration of National Volunteer Week, Youth Central would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all of our volunteers. Whether you volunteer on a project site, in your school, on committees or give back in any other way to your community we appreciate all you are and do. Please find below a list of some of the amazing volunteers who have inspired us with their sheer dedication to help out as much as possible. Since July 1, 2010, these volunteers have completed close to or over 200 hours of volunteer time.

Horace Lin – 515 hours

Andy Kuan – 285 hours

Eric Kuan – 285 hours

Oi Sue Kuan – 276 hours

Medha Patki – 231 hours

Bohan Li – 227 hours

Henry Lin – 212 hours

Ekroop Nijjer – 200 hours

Sandy Desta – 194 hours

David Hall – 189 hours

Along with these volunteers who have given so many hours of their time are the volunteers who are always flexible, willing to jump in and help, and sometimes take on the leadership role. Within Youth Central we have six major committees that meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Thank you to all committee members who put so much time and passion into what they do.

We also involve over 25 schools, where every week, youth are asked to take on a leadership role, volunteer, and make a difference at their school and community. Youth Central would like to extend a huge thank you to both the students and teachers who put in so much time to expand volunteerism throughout the city and in their own communities.

Throughout the year last year, Youth Central volunteers completed over 39,000 hours of volunteering with over 2,500 different volunteers. Youth Central would not be the organization it is without you and neither would the over 120 not for profit agencies you have impacted.


  1. But this is very awesome! I think a "Hall of Fame" kind of list should be generated for those who are in University/not in Calgary anymore. They deserve the recognition too! And maybe an update on how they're doing would be cool, too 🙂

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