Top 10 Longest Living Life Forms On Earth


If you believe humans are the longest living life forms, think again. Here is a list of some of the longest living life forms.

10: Galapagos Giant Tortoise

One of the oldest on record, Jonathan is still strong and healthy at 184 years old.

9: Bowhead Whale

The bowhead whale, also known as the Arctic whale, is the longest living mammal on earth. Scientists have found spears in a bowhead whale from 200 years ago when some native tribes tried to hunt it. The oldest ever found was at least 211 years old.

8: Greenland Shark

The Greenland shark is the longest living vertebrate, and scientists estimate some sharks to live as old as 400 years.

7: Ocean Quahog

Ocean Quahogs are clams that are commercially exploited. The oldest was found to be 507 years old and was accidentally killed by scientists. Think about that next time you eat one!

6: Antarctic Sponge

This immobile creature has an extremely slow growth rate, because of the frigid temperatures in the Antarctic ocean. The oldest ever found was 1550 years old.

5: Bristlecone Pine

This species not only has the capability to live for over 5000 years but it is also very resilient to harsh weather and bad soils.

4: King’s Lomatia

An individual tree can only live for about 300 years, but the tree can clone itself, creating younger versions of itself.

3: Neptune Grass

Neptune Grass is a species of seagrass that dwell in the Mediterranean. Scientists estimate they can live for 200 000 years.

2: Bacteria

Bacteria frozen underground in Siberia is believed to be 500 000 years old. Incredibly, the DNA was still completely intact, and they were still active!

1: Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish

You may be thinking; immortality is just a superpower, and it is science fiction. However, for the Turritopsis Nutricula Jellyfish, it’s reality. This jellyfish can live forever because they have the ability to cycle from an adult mature stage back to its immature polyp state. They would be able to live indefinitely if they weren’t consumed by other organisms. Scientists believe it to be the only animal that can theoretically live forever.


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