5 tech tools for your school survival kit


1.  Kingsoft (WPS Office)

If you don’t have Microsoft and you’re battling with temperamental writing softwares like LibreOffice and OpenOffice, stop what you’re doing, uninstall them, and download this. I have been using this software for around two years now, and it has made things much easier. The layout is easy to understand, it has different skins for customizing, and the writing program has tabs so you don’t have to switch windows when multiple documents are opened.

*Use caution when downloading things. Make sure your anti-virus is up to date and working.

IMG Cr sudopacman/wordpress
IMG Cr sudopacman/wordpress

2.  OneLook

When you know the meaning of the word but you don’t know the word itself look to OneLook for help. Type in a couple of words. a sentence, or even a question click “Find Words” and you’ll get a list of things related to what you searched.

3.  HemingwayApp

Hemingway is an app that you can use to improve your writing by highlighting the things that you can improve on. There’s even a desktop version now, though I’ve yet to try it.


4.  Tip of My Tongue

Find that word that’s been at the “tip of your tongue” all day.




5.  WolframAlpha

Google’s great, but have you seen this? You can search questions about math, linguistics, step-by-step solutions, life sciences, and much more. This gives you a systematic answer and forgoes introducing a page. This wonderful search engine doesn’t just have Albert Einstein’s history, you can search for your favourite celebrity and get information on their height (for research purposes of course), their familial relationships (maybe their parents were famous too), and their notable films.

You probably thought I was kidding, well I’m not. Just think about how much easier your homework’s going to be now. So neat and organized isn’t it? Bravo WolframAlpha, bravo.


Technology is pretty amazing wouldn’t you say?