Tokushu Shoes: Order some back-to-school footwear!

Can't wait to upgrade from those shredded shoes to something newer?

If you have read my previous blog entry about my trip to Nepal, you’ll know that I am in desperate need of a new pair of shoes for school. What better a place to get shoes, than Tokushu shoes?

Tokushu shoes is a business run by an innovative high school student named Michelle Ku. As an aspiring artist, she spends her spare time turning plain white canvas shoes (be it converse or van styled) into a beautiful piece of art. In order to allow the artwork to stretch and contort with the shape of the shoe as one moves, Michelle mixes acrylic paints with fabric mediums. She then sprays the canvas shoes with a clear varnish – this seals and waterproofs the paint. These shoes are Calgary-friendly: the clear varnish helps protect the delicate artwork from rain and mud. (This means that you can easily clean these shoes without damaging them as well!)

Michelle has a gallery full of unique designs such as…

Here are a beautiful pair of "galaxy" inspired shoes.

Or perhaps something more relatable?

Who hasn't heard of Avatar?

Many other designs can be found on Michelle’s facebook page. If those designs don’t interest you however, Michelle is always up for a challenge – she accepts custom orders all the time! Another perk of Tokushu shoes? It is based right here in Calgary – for the moment at least. That means lower shipping prices and the satisfaction of supporting a Calgary business! Don’t wait too long before you order though, school starts in less than a week!

Shoes aren’t Michelle’s only medium either – she is also skilled with forming clay figures, digital paintings, sketches, and photography. As a student of the International Baccalaureate Art Program, this artist is well-versed in all types of mediums. For more information on Michelle’s other pieces of art, be sure to check out her deviant art page. Respectively, for more information on her business, be sure to check out her website.