To Pray- A Poem On Religion


Hello Friends,

It is Ramadan, that holy month of the year in which many Muslims feel most connected to Allah, our creator. As I wake up everyday to eat, fast, and pray, I cannot help but think of my future as a queer Muslim, and as a queer Pakistani.

It is a hard thing to do; to reconcile religion and sexuality, especially in Islam, when so many people think that it is inherently antiqueer. But I’ve been noticing lately that there really is a profound satisfaction in praying, and in being connected to my people through prayer. So in this month of Ramadan, take this journey with me; hold my hand as I take you through what I have been feeling in regards to my culture and religion these past few weeks.

نماز, To Pray:

There comes an age

in almost every Man’s life

where they realize

there is something sacred 

In prayer.





what more do we want

Other than a purpose?


what more could I want?

from the time of my birth 

I have always wanted

I would sit on my Father’s lap

and take his keys into my small

fragile hands.


My first words,


and my last word

will be Enough.


What more could I want?

than to relish each stride

Of my sunkissed legs?

to perish neatly,

In a world of my design.


But Allah made me

With honeygold eyes

And gifted me my nose

passed down from those before

It was in his image I was created

moulded from mud by his haggard hands

So it makes sense

that I inherited his sins


When the cold dust settles

after the grand day has come to pass

What will he make of me?

something bold,

something which Reflects.


Oh Allah, is it your mighty hand I crave?


My blood runs

because my people 

Shed theirs


My blood runs

because I am my Ancestor’s heir


I carry the same crown of black hair

their commanding brows

Hooked nose and golden features


How could I betray them so?


when they breathed for me,

Fought for me,

taught me to carry my culture 

with the same honour

That a camel carries his master?


How could I be so queer?


Every year on the anniversary of our Nation’s birth,

My Mother would sit me down and hold me to her breast

and she would tell me stories

Of the brave 



Men and Women who had fought for us.

had fought to better a world they never saw.


Brave Islamic warriors

Strategic and headstrong

Courage and prayer their main weapon


But my Mother,

does not do that anymore.


It used to make me angry


I would don my petulant suit of armour

and duel everyone who dared share a glance

salt would fill my wounds

but now all that occupies them now


Is sorrow


Sometimes I feel a connection in silent acts.

the way I wash my face,

Oil my hair,

a motion preformed 

by so many others.


I sit and think

would these streets be this empty 

In the place from where I fled?

Are the markets of Karachi

just as lonely?


but now I feel him

there is a grandeur of nature

that even the most pessimistic cannot ignore

Vast plains and snow-capped mountains

Are as omnipotent

As the arms of the creator


So now I arise

In the deadpool of night

from my infamous slumber

my skin ashen 

eyes tired


I look to the glorious چاند

because the sun would stain me

and there I realize

That Allah

Is merciful

Surely, if he made me this way,

It cannot have been a mistake


If Allah has made me gay,

who am I to repent,

To act as if I am waiting for a saviour?


Who am I to waste my ambition

my god-given gifts,

the Mashallah of aunties

spoiling in my room?



I will live my life

With honour and pride

I will take my Family name

I will take my Family’s nose

And carry it onto the battlefield

And die a temptless death


My Name,

ذو الفقار

The Name of the Prophet’s sword

The Name which means justice,

And to lead.


I will be like the Men

In my Mother’s stories

I will pray.


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