There are no real statistics to prove that at this time of the year, people are prone to be more generous. Nevertheless, the fact is that men, women and children around the globe recognize that this season is the time for giving, sharing and all things pertaining to kindness. We are challenged each year to get involved and give back to our community, by doing so we can build a stronger society and help to eliminate and raise awareness about poverty and other problems our society possesses. However, we may find ourselves timid and asking ‘why volunteer, why give back?’ when we have so many other things to do. The real question here is why not. So, I personally challenge you to get more involved in YYC this holiday season. Offer your time and energy to something that will make a difference, big or small, to end this year off on a high note. It’s the little things that go a long way.

I’ve been volunteering with Youth Central for a little over a year now and it was been a great way for me to get involved. Recently I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Calgary Dream Centre with Youth Central. The Dream Centre has been giving men the opportunity to change their lives and realize new dreams in the community and with their families, for the past 10 years. As a part of their 10 year plan to end homelessness, the Dream Centre helps hundreds of individuals each year through innovative recovery programs, wrap around services and a one of a kind housing program. About 20 of us from Youth Central helped serve dinner during their Christmas Banquet where the residents were celebrated for their accomplishments. Throughout the night, residents shared their story with us and it was moving to hear about how far support and compassion can go. The atmosphere of the event was genuine and jubilant. I would love to volunteer there again.

Another memorable experience I’ve had volunteering this season would have to be my project at the Carewest Garrison Green senior home. My day had a pretty rough start as stress from school had been building up. So as I arrived at the project I decided to make the most out of the remainder of the day and carpe diem. Our assignments were simple and straight forward so the night sailed by smoothly just until it was time for Santa to come out and wish the seniors a merry Christmas. I’m still not sure why I agreed to be Santa Claus, but it turned out to be a fun experience. The suit was surprisingly comfortable having quality insolation from the tummy cushion, and above all I tried something I’ve never done before which always make for fun memories. I must say, having hair that does not belong to you in your mouth was probably the worst part of it all.

Anyways, be a snow angel in your community and shovel your neighbor’s sidewalk, sign up to volunteer at different events or with Youth Central. There are so many opportunities, especially at this time of the year, to get involved with your community. Tell your friends how much you appreciate them, make positive changes in your life, make random acts of kindness, make people smile and smile yourself!! ‘Tis the season to after all.