10 Tips on Keeping Warm


Lately, it has been super cold outside and I find myself refusing to go outside. Currently, I am hunching my body over the heater as a way of keeping warm. Unfortunately, the measures I have taken to stay within the comfort of my warm house are broken as I have to face the cold while going to school. However, I do have some tips to survive the frigid winter season which I would be glad to share

1. Hand Warmers: Invest your money into some of these bad boys! I usually put these into my gloves and shoes around thirty-minutes before I leave my house. They make my feet and hands feel as if I never left my home.

2. Hats and Socks: Most of your body heat escapes through the top of your head or through your toes. I recommend wearing a hat and socks twenty-four seven in order to not lose any of that precious warmth.

3. Windows and Curtains: Windows, they easily let warm air escape and cold air enter. You are probably thinking that the best way to prevent this from happening is by having your blinds or curtains always closed; this is not the case. On sunny winter days, they should be left open to allow the heat from the sun to come in. Although, during every night, blinds or curtains are to be closed to keep the cold out.

4. Food: Yes, food everyone’s first true love. Warm beverages or soups have the splendid power of making you feel toasty while also satisfying your hunger. Plus, you can enjoy holding and drinking a thermos of your favourite warm beverage while also keeping your hands warm.

5. Wool Clothing: It may be itchy but, wool clothing is the best material to wear during the winter season. If you are allergic to wool or prefer not to war it, cotton or fleece clothing are also warm fabrics.

6. Exercise:  I know, this option is probably not the most desired. I myself am pretty lazy, but, desperate measure means desperate actions. When I feel cold at home and am bored I exercise to generate body heat and keep myself entertain. On the bright side of working out, I am bettering my health and shedding away the calories from all the food I eat.

7. Cook or Bake: I ain’t talking about whipping up a bowl of cereal or making jello. Sure, for some they count as “cooking” or “baking” but, they will not really help in keeping you warm. Make yourself something that requires using the stove or oven. For example, bake cookies. After baking the cookies, you should leave the oven door open. This allows the remaining heat to escape and warm your house. This tip will leave your house warmer and smelling like vanilla.

8. Layers: Layer it up, man! I do not care if you look like a marshmallow. Wear layers, and you’ll feel like a marshmallow being roasted over a fire. For maximum layer warmth, add more pillows or blankets to your bed. The extra bedding makes it super comfortable especially, for laying in bed and watching Netflix.

9. Warm air Rises: The majority of us have learnt at some point in our lives that warm air rises. Use this knowledge to your advantage. If your house is two or more levels, trying to hang around the top floor more often. You will see that this floor is usually the warmest as warm air does rise.

10. Humidity: In comparison, humid is air is hotter than dry air. If you take a shower don’t even bother turning on the bathroom fan. The humidity will cause your house to feel warmer.

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