Life Savers of Extreme Randomness


Another way of titling this post would simply be “Life Hacks,” but because I’m feeling particularly adventurous today, I’ve given it an unnecessarily long title and an extremely misleading thumbnail image (sorry!).  I’ve gathered and learned many techniques on how to make life easier, either for when I’m busy, in a state of despair, or just feeling extremely lazy. “Life hacks”, “life savers”, or just “helpful tips”- whatever you may call them, I’ve listed a rather random couple below:


1. When shopping for pants and wanting to save time waiting for a change room (or avoiding one altogether), take the waistband of the pants and wrap it around your neck. If the waistband of the pants fits around the circumference of your neck comfortably (not tightly!), then the pants will fit your waist.


2. After you’re done boiling eggs, drop them into ice cold water. It makes peeling so much easier and faster.


3. Placing an apple slice in a bag of hardened brown sugar will help to make the sugar soft once again.


4.For some reason, sticking out your tongue while cutting onions helps prevent the tears from flowing.


5. Save bread from going stale by putting celery in the bag, making sure to close the bag tightly afterwards.


6. Placing bananas in a brown bag will help them to ripen faster.


7.Adding hydrogen peroxide to your laundry acts as a nice bleach alternative.


8. Spraying hairspray onto ink stains in fabric will help to remove the stains.


9. If you’re ever in a struggle to thread a needle, simply dip the end of the thread in nail polish- once dry, threading will become extremely easy.


10. Putting a tube of dried mascara in a cup of warm water for a few minutes will make it liquidity once again.