Tim Cridland: tolerating pain


Pain. Certainly anyone in their right mind would say that pain is an unplesant experience they would like to avoid. But not Tim Cridland. He doesn’t experience it the same way most people do. He doesn’t cringe or flinch or run away from the source of pain.

Studies on Cridland has shown that he’s able to withstand a significantly higher level of pain than most people (maybe he should try giving birth). He can push needles and skewers into his skin. He can tolerate extremities of weather. But no worries, he has studied the human body extensively, to ensure that none of his stunts are fatal. Many of his stunts involve electrocution, skewers, fire eating and sword swallowing.

DO NOT watch the following videos if you think you’ll find his stunts appalling.

[youtube 4x88yl4KRrA]

Check out his website by clicking here.