I love thrift shopping. It’s super fun and you can find super cool hidden gems for under $5! But sometimes, it’s hard to find good quality clothes that are actually up to date, so I’m going to share some simple tips to help you get the most out of your thrifting experience.

1. Set aside time
This is one of the most important tips I could give you, and although it may seem obvious, many people think they can go thrift shopping and only spend half an hour in the store! When you go thrift shopping, I would suggest making a day out of it. Go hit up a few different stores to make sure you aren’t missing out on anything and actually spend time looking. I would suggest spending up to four hours thrift shopping, spending at least one hour in each store you visit.
2. Don’t worry about the labels
Many items in the thrift store have had their tags worn out or even ripped off, so sometimes they have to sort of estimate the size that the item actually is. Plus, if the item is older, they may have made clothes tighter or looser depending on the style. I never worry about the sizes when I go thrift shopping, if I see something I like, I try it on! I also like to shop in the men’s section sometimes. If I’m looking for an oversize sweater, blazer or a comfy hoodie; I always look in the men’s section first.
3. Don’t be specific
You always find the best items when you aren’t looking for them. For example, the other day I was looking for a sparkly 80s dress for this concert I am going to but instead, I ended up purchasing a funky men’s blazer! When you go into a thrift store looking for a specific item, you are limiting yourself to so many other cool items out there! It’s better to just enter the store with an open mind so you can be sure to find something different and unique.
4. Don’t get discouraged
You aren’t always going to find something you like, and that’s okay! It’s just like when you go shopping at the mall, sometimes you buy tons of stuff and sometimes you walk away empty handed. There isn’t always going to be cool items at a thrift store, sometimes it’s all junk! That doesn’t mean you suck at thrift shopping, so don’t worry. They usually have new stuff in every few weeks so just try again later!