Three Inspiring TED Talks With Great Takeaways

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


TED Talks have gradually become a great source of inspiration, giving us insight onto topics or ideas that affect us regularly. These stories are usually told by experts in their area who reflect on their own experiences to present their perspective on a topic to us.

In this blog, I have compiled three TED Talks that I believe can resonate with a modern society and addresses problems that we all face today.

  1. Why We Need A “Moral Operating System” By Damon Horowitz 

In this TED Talk, Damon Horowtiz, a technologist, speaks on the idea of how the digital revolution is creating complex challenges in modern-day-life. As the digital world has become more controlled by algorithms, he warns us to navigate our technology in an ethical way and suggests that we develop a “Moral Operating System” that is focused on responsibility and empathy.

2. Inside The Mind Of a Master Procrastinator By Tim Urban

Tim Urban has a humorous take on the idea of procrastination in this TED Talk, he talks about the different “voices” that take a part in procrastination, referring to them as the “Panic Monster” and the “Instant Gratification Monkey”. The represents the panic monster as the voice who puts us into panic mode when deadlines are near, and the instant gratification monkey, who puts us off track. Tim Urban urges us to understand our inner motivations and the fleeting time we have to help us further manage procrastination.

3. How Great Leaders Inspire Action By Simon Sinek

In this TED Talk, Simon starts off by introducing a concept: “Start With Why”. He describes it as a foundation to explain how successful leaders can inspire other people. By focusing on the “why” instead of the “what” or “how”, leaders can help provide others with motivation. Therefore, focusing on your “why” can help you inspire other people more effectively.


I hope you take something out of these TED Talks and enjoyed them as much as I did. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.