Three easy ways to go green every day


I’m sure we have all been through boring lectures that drone on and on about why the environment is important. But they never really seem to tell us how we can do little things in our lives to go green every day. It doesn’t have to be a huge lifestyle change. These are just small tips anyone can do, no matter how busy their schedule is.




Have extra clothing you’ve grown out of? Donate it to a local charity. This way, you’ll not only get rid of unwanted items in your closet, but you’ll also be a good citizen by helping out those in need.

Reusing items can also be extended past just donating clothes; you can also try to opt for reusable water bottles and bringing your own shopping bags when you go to your local grocery shop. The plastic bags you get from stores take centuries to decompose, harm wildlife, and require tons of oil to produce.

Don’t Waste


We’ve all heard mom say not to waste food, but that can be extended into helping the environment as well. When you brush your teeth, turn the water off so you don’t waste the excess water you don’t even use. By doing this, you can save 8 gallons of water a day!

If you want to go the extra mile, you can also try unplugging your electronic devices when they are not in use and save electricity, especially if you have a plasma TV, which consumes a lot of energy.

Throw like a Pro


You can also try learning more about where things should be properly discarded such as batteries, household cleaning products with harmful chemicals, light bulbs, etc. Many local stores such as Home Depot will take your used batteries and bulbs. You can also try to find local recycling center near you to dispose of items properly.

These tips will help lower your footprint on earth and help insure a healthy future for the generations to come.