Three characters that are completely overrated or underrated



Draco Malfoy: Draco is my favourite character from Harry Potter hands down, and many would disagree. I truly believe that dracoDraco Malfoy is not as evil as people think. Sure, he has negative qualities and can be mean sometimes, but that doesn’t make him completely evil or a heartless person. Whether you believe it or not, Draco cared. Draco cared enough not to kill Dumbledore. He had known this man all of his life and Dumbledore guided him through his schooling and was a better father to him than Lucius ever was. Although Draco did become a Death Eater, I think he was more or less forced into it by his father. Lucius was very controlling of Draco and you could see the pressure that was on Draco to try to meet his father’s expectations, in a way he is very much like some of us “muggle” teenagers who feel pressure from family members or our parents to follow in their footsteps and do what is expected of us. 

The 9th doctor (Christopher Eccelston): When you think of the new 2005 to present Doctor Who, most automatically think of David Tennant or Matt Smith, hardly ever thinking of Christopher Eccleston. You know, 9th Doctor, leather jacket, old guy who was in love with Rose? It seems like he has been forgotten by almost everyone. Eccleston only got one season, and that really nineupset me. He wasn’t young or attractive like some of the other Doctors, but he shouldn’t have to be. The Doctor can’t always regenerate into some young and hot man; the show wouldn’t be the same. Each doctor should be unique, looks and age included. Nine was hilarious, not too sarcastic, showed great emotions, introduced to us the Doctor’s love for bananas, and most of all truly showed to me, at least, that the Doctor really does love Rose. Sure, Tennant confirmed that and took their relationship even father in the following seasons, but for the short time Nine was on the show, we got to see the start of the wonderful relationship between Rose Tyler and the Doctor, which will not soon be forgotten by me.


Tate Langdon: American Horror Story is not insanely popular for the most part, but Evan Peters sure is and Tate Langdon makes many appearances on Tumblr which really bugs me (as you can see in the picture below). Don’t get me wrong, Tate Langdon was an interesting character and was really dynamic and well played, but Tumblr and thousands of teenage girls around the world show him as this wonderful boyfriend and soppy romantic by using some cheesy quote and a black and white effect on his picture. But may I remind you of what he actually did throughout the season!? (Let’s just say, for all of you who haven’t seen the show and because it is highly controversial and pretty inappropriate; Tate Langdon killed a lot of people and ruined lives. This man was a horrible guy and evan petersdefinitely not someone that should be praised for being a wonderful person and a great boyfriend to Violet. Yes, he was an essential character (and a good one at that) for the show, but he was definitely overrated, highly misunderstood, and remembered for all the wrong reasons.