Thoughts We All Have At School Dances


In spite of the recent crises around the world over the last week, life has continued. For many, it has been a time of reflection and gaining insight into the issues faced by our world, which is something that each and every one of us should take the time to be part of. However, we will more than likely still go on with our days as we would normally. For me, that meant attending a school dance, which for me feels a bit odd to say the least. Love them or hate them, dances are a part of school culture. Whether you’re out on the dance floor or standing in the corner laughing with your friends, there are more than a few thoughts that will likely cross your mind.


“Why aren’t they playing any of the songs I requested? I mean really, my taste in music is flawless.” 

I mean c’mon guys. IS THIS NOT THE BEST OR WHAT?

“I can barely hear myself think, never mind the person next to me who is clearly trying to tell me something. Maybe lip reading would be a valuable skill to learn.”

can't hear

“My feet are killing me, but I don’t want to take off my shoes because, eww, nasty gym floor.”


“I’ll probably have no voice for a week, but singing yelling this loud was so worth it.”

singing cat

” Where’s the food? Why is there not more food?”


“I hope that whatever I’m doing here passes as ‘dancing.'”

napoleon dynamite

“Whose idea was it to have a dance on a school night? You expect me to show up tomorrow? That’s cute.”


“Wait, it’s over?”

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