My Thoughts On School


This blog is about me sharing MY thoughts on school. Not everyone might agree, that’s why it’s MY thoughts. Thank you!

A) School is confusing- Okay, school is confusing because when I’m out of school, I wanna be in school. Then when I’m in school, I wanna be out of school! Here’s a message to school: “Can you just be wonderful or awful? You can’t  be in between. Just choose one, so that I can make up my mind. Thanks :)”

B) Is school really a safe place? – I don’t know. I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure most of us have done this. Have you    ever not made eye-contact with the teacher because you don’t want to be called upon? I assume your answer is ‘yes.’    Have you ever struggled to raise your hand because of the fear of being wrong or laughed at? I believe your answer is ‘yes’ again.

C) Homework- I don’t see a problem with homework. I do see a problem with the amount given though. I’ve traveled a lot, that means various and different amounts of homework. Many of you don’t know that I lived in the Caribbean. The amount of work given to take home was ridiculous. I would start at 4:00 pm and I would finish around 8:30 pm. It was so much that it gave me a headache, and truly stressed me out. It wasn’t hard, it was the amount.

D) Options- Options is a class, it is an extra-curricular activity. At my school we have many kinds of options, we have Cooking, Construction, Volleyball, Band/Music, Power Up, French, Art etc. I love options. I like that we are balancing the work and everyday needs.

E) Stress- I don’t get stressed anymore. I think to avoid stress you need to manage your time and understand the subject. If you don’t understand something, go ask. Don’t be afraid. To learn you have to understand. If you don’t    then you aren’t learning anything. Have a schedule and stick to it, especially if you can’t manage your time wisely.

F) Teachers- If you are a teacher and you are reading this…hi. I think in order to have a great school experience, I think you need to respect your teachers, and they need to respect you. Of course, not all teachers are respectful and amazing. If they aren’t very nice to you, try being nice to them and see if that changes anything. If not, tell someone.

G) The End- This is “The End” of my blog. Thank you for reading. I hope you use some of my tips or/and enjoyed.  Thank You!