Great geeky gifts!


ThinkGeek has everything you’re looking for, whether what you’re looking for is a Harry Potter Wand/TV remote or a set of t-shirts that you can play musical instruments on, they have it all.

Here are just a few of their hilarious and also helpful t-shirts:

You read my t-shirt. That’s enough social interaction for one day

A great quote from Darth Vader himself

This shirt actually tells you if there’s unsecured wireless networks around!

Aside from clothing, there are many gadgets to choose from too, and many, many accessories for these gadgets!

And on top of that, there’s even an entire section for little kids! I don’t know about you but I’m sure if I was a kid I would love something like an official packet of spitballs or a Make Your Own Balloon Dinosaurs kit!

Would you believe they even have food?

Unicorn Meat! (You know you want it)

The ice cream that Astronauts eat!

Who wouldn’t want bacon flavoured popcorn?!

If you didn’t see anything you liked here, go to the site and you’ll find much more! (I’m pretty sure you at least saw one thing you wanted though.)

Click here to go to the website!


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