These Five Breakthroughs in 2019 Will Change the World


By: Vidhisha Wagle

These predicted five breakthroughs will change the course of science forever, breaking more boundaries than ever.

1. A Look at Black Holes

While many of us have heard about black holes and their energy, numerous times scientists have been able to confirm it’s existence. However by measuring the motions of these stars and their orbit we can get close up pictures. This will be done on the Event Horizon Telescope on where it focuses on black holes and their movements.

2. Flying Cars

As a kid I used to think that all of us were going to have flying cars and to my disappointment we haven’t…yet. The new car “Liberty” has been made by a Dutch company called Pal-V. This company uses dual propulsion drivetrain which will allow it to both drive and fly. The car can fly up to 11, 480 feet in the air.

3. First Plants to Germinate at the Moon

While many of us have dreamt of going to outer space(at lease I have) astronauts are finally able to grow and germinate seeds on the moon. The scientific breakthrough had happened in January. Cotton seeds had germinated in China’s Change 4 Lander. While the seeds did eventually die because of cold (-52C), this helped many government organizations to know the conditions of germination on the moon.

4. Genome Editing

Although many people have ethical concerns with manipulating our genes, there are gene therapists that can replace unhealthy damaged genes with healthy functioning ones. A tool called CRISPR- can target genes and can manipulate it.

5. Quantum Computing

While many of us have heard of quantum theory, computing and quantum physics, many don’t really know what it is. Quantum computing specifically is the use quantum mechanical phenomena to perform computation physically and theoretically. With these machines, more scientific breakthroughs in medical fields and many other fields are possible.

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