The Ultimate Guide: 8 Books to Keep You Motivated and Inspired


While all books offer a unique perspective the book I am referring to here are books that will give you serious life advice. Whether it be finance or personal well-being, these books are famously known for their ability to inspire readers. Such books may not make you an overnight millionaire however by gaining this knowledge at a young age you can feel far more prepared for the future. While reading some of these books I have not only developed my perspective but I have also developed my habits to become more organized and motivated. So without further due here are the top 10 books you should read.

  1. Atomic Habits

This book, written by James Clear, has a very simple approach to success and that is to change your habits. He discusses that habits are not the final goal yet they are the entry point which leads into a routine. He uses examples from both everyday life and inspirational people who have spent their whole careers trying to figure out the impact of habits. One of the few key takeaways from the book that I held on to the strongest is that you should focus on things you can control. As individuals in our prime years of academics, we tend to strive for a certain percentage of grades however we often forget that it is the process of learning which will serve us the most value.

2. The Happiness Advantage

The Happiness Advantage is a book which discusses how the system of achieving success is broken. As humans, we have defined happiness as what comes after success however Shawn Achor, the author, thinks of it as happiness leads to success. The book offers an insight into how work can become less stressful and more productive if we enjoy doing our tasks and use happiness as the stepping stone rather than the target.

3. Life Worth Living; A Guide to What Matters The Most

Despite not having read this book it has been on my list for quite some time and I have heard some good things about it. The author is a professor at Yale University who wrote the book for young students as a form of advice. The book refers to human life as a hamster wheel in which we forget to live in the present and focus far more on what we will do in the future.

4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is written by Stephen Covey and throughout the book there are several themes and takeaways. It goes into depth about the 7 habits and compares typical human habits to how they can be improved. The one habit that I believe is most important is to Think Win-Win. In the book they refer to how most humans believe you can only excel in your goals independently. What they miss is that not everything is a zero-sum game and helping others might also benefit you as well.

5. Hidden Potential: The Science Of Achieving Greater Things

Despite not having read this book the summary and interviews based upon this book give insight into the message of the book. Adam Grant, the author, elaborates on how all of us individuals have hidden potential and that we judge ourselves way too hard. Internally, we have trained our minds to accept that some people have more advantages and natural talent however that is not the case. The book has a common theme of unlocking the hidden potential within you so that you can achieve a greater purpose in life.

6. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

While the title is a bit extreme the book brings up points which are profound and unique. Mark Manson dives into the concept of acceptance and focus towards yourself rather than on what society says. One of my favourite ideas from the book is that we shouldn’t desire for more positive experiences because that is itself a negative experience. Instead, we must change our perspective on the negative experiences to make them positive.

7. The Alchemist

The Alchemist is different from other inspirational books as it is a fictional novel which explores how one can follow their dreams to find purpose. This book is one of my favourites because of the impactful and realistic approach given to each message. The symbolic character development and wisdom seen through various characters are also notable themes in this book.

8. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

This novel is one which was recently recommended to me and though I haven’t finished the book I have come across many meaningful ideas centred around creativity, braveness and power. One of the most discussed quotes from this book is, “The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. By Elizabeth Gilbert.”

These are some of the many books which I believe should be read for personal growth. While these are just a few suggestions I encourage you to explore other motivational books to arrive at a book which encompasses your ideologies and resonates with you.



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