THE Stampede Food Binge 2013: Idaho Taco


idaho tacoName of food – Idaho Taco (Baked potato with taco toppings)

Where to get it – the stand is right where the Coca Cola Stage/Weadickville area hits the midway

Cost  – $8 I think… definitely somewhere around there (maybe 7?)

What makes it worthwhile – First of all, I should make one thing clear: I am head-over-heels in love with baked potatoes, so this review will be biased based on an immense adoration for just the fact that it is a baked potato. But it’s not just me that wasn’t let down. The Idaho Taco was named the best new food on the Midway!!! If those couple sentences still aren’t up your ally, here’s what this (large) snack is all about… After baking a potato, the busy people at the booth slit it and make it overflow with ground beef, cheese, etc., the same options you’d generally have for tacos. Included is sour cream and salsa to add to the taco-ness of it all.

My response: whoever had the notion to combine taco with baked potato, should stay in the business of midway snack designing, as it was a hit.

Unlike many fair foods, there were prominent, unique, complex flavours, and unlike many of the wacky foods, the flavours actually fit together like a jigsaw puzzle and worked.

In the end, I’d say the Idaho Taco should be on your list. It’s not too wacky, but it’s actually enjoyable.idahotaco

Find out what other tasty treats YAA bloggers sampled at the Calgary Stampede Midway.