THE Stampede Food Binge 2013: Fro-Yo


DSCF8109Name of food – Frozen Yogurt

Where to get it – Fro-Yo-Licious

Cost  – $7

What makes it worthwhile – First things first. They offer bacon bits as one of the toppings. :O The self-serve frozen yogurt served at the Stampede varies in a key way from the up-and-coming chains like Tutti Frutti and Menchie’s. That is, at Fro-Yo-Licious, you can chose either one cup for $7 of two cups for $12, and then pile on all the yogurt and toppings you wish, whereas with the trending brands, you pay based on weight.

Seeing as it’s a Stampede booth, the selection obviously wasn’t as great as the stores around town. Six different flavors were offered, with a mix option between sets of two. Chocolate, vanilla, banana, and bubble-gum were some of the options. Toppings included BACON BITS, crushed Oreo cookies, crushed chocolate chip cookies, granola, pineapple, and various candies and gummies. Not the wide array you’d see as Tutti Frutti, but still some good options.

In terms of the product quality itself, I couldn’t see much difference from fro-yo I had in the past, but when it’s hot and busy outside, it was definitely a well-appreciated cup. That being said, since you are paying by cup not weight, you may want to consider sharing with a friend or two, as they are pretty large containers, and you may as well fill that thing as high as you can if it costs the same! I’ll leave you with the same message I started with… when it’s hot at the Stampede… there’s fro-yo with BACON BITS at Fro-Yo-Licious.

Overall, I enjoyed the treat, but it’s nothing spectacular in comparison to what you can normally get around Calgary.DSCF8110DSCF8108

 Follow along with the other Midway food reviews for THE Stampe Food Binge 2013 – HERE.