The season of new (TV) seasons


I don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy, Glee, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Pretty Little Liars, or The Walking Dead, or tons of those other popular shows. I do watch Modern Family, Once Upon a Time, Amazing Race, and some cooking shoes. In my opinion, it’s kind of sad to reflect upon the fact that compared to most people, I watch barely any TV. Not because I’m completely out of the loop when it comes to who the mother is and who killed who and who did what, but rather because it enforces that fact that we are TV addicted to an incredible degree.

Come September and some of October, a lot of shows are starting up again. Season premieres flood the television stations, and consequently, flood daily life. Conversations among classmates, articles in the media, the list goes on and on. TV has gotten an impenetrable grip on our society. If you stop and consider it for a second, it gets kind of scary.

Many people have many different reasons why they may find this scary, but for me, it comes down to how we use our time and what we chose to do with our lives.

Watch this video. It makes you think, so let it do that. Do some thinking.

How do you want to spend your jellybeans?

For many of us, it hardly comes down to choice anymore. It’s honest addiction. I’m not trying to tell you to stop watching TV. I’m just asking that you take a second and consider what I’ve said.

Maybe try multitasking while you watch TV. Knit, draw, finish your homework. Make your brain work instead of letting it get sucked into that flat vortex of a screen.

Just some things to think about 🙂