The Penelopiad


The Penelopiad, written by Margaret Atwood in 2005, is running at the EPCOR Centre from Sept. 21 to Oct. 9.  The novel translated into 28 other languages and was released around the world. The play is 50 minutes long and it was very impressive of high quality of story and actress’ act.

It begins with play then gradually becomes like a musical play. The story is told by Penelope’s narration and her story. This would be a great experience to get know about The Penelope Circle and understand more about Greek and Roman myth.  I recommend everyone to read this book or experience wonderful play of The Penelopiad.

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The story of this play is re-written from Greek and Roman myth. The Penelopiad tells the story from the perspective of Penelope, a plain but clever girl, who–like Odysseus–must learn to live by her wits. Atwood, working from several myths, details Penelope’s divine parentage (she’s half-naiad), and her upbringing as a young maid in her father’s home.(


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