The Pandemic’s Impact on our Consumption of Media


Throughout the course of COVID-19, we as a society have changed in numerous ways. Whether it be from always eating take-out instead of dine-in or attempting to fix the ever overloaded wifi, the world around us has changed immensely. However, there is one thing in our lives that has changed with the world around us, yet stayed the same: entertainment. 

We’ve now been in lockdown for over a year, and in the duration of the lockdown, everyone needs to find something to do. Through the lockdown and the pandemic, streaming services have really become a huge part of our everyday lives, cementing their reputation for the ages to come as something fully worth it; media consumption has really changed for the better. The extended amount of time that everyone has in today’s day and age has therefore caused a massive shift in how society perceives the consumption of entertainment and media. 

Shows that people would have never watched before the pandemic, such as Tiger King, are now wildly popular and are winning awards. These shows would never have been seen if it were not for bored people scrolling through Netflix or Hulu, trying out every single show until they found what they want. The societal perception of binge-watching makes it now acceptable as an everyday occurrence, whereas it was frowned upon before. Before COVID, I would go out to go watch movies with my friends and family at the movie theatre, but in today’s modern society, it is necessary to stay at home and use streaming services to stay safe at home. 

Entertainment still plays an extremely large role in how we live our lives. Celebrity gossip, new movie releases, all of these bring us as a community together. Entertainment is still one of the ways that we as a society release and disengage from our daily lives; entertainment remains a way for society to express itself and release itself. What has changed, however, is how we consume media. How we as a society find this entertainment. No matter what happens, entertainment is still a large part of our lives and will continue to be for several years to come. 


  1. Literally life-changing. I have never read something of this much significance, nor have I ever respected an author this much. Looking forwards to the next one!

  2. Definitely something that’s puzzled me a few times. It’s crazy how fast the movie industry is dying in the favour of binge-watching. Super cool article!

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