The original or the remix? What do you think?


I love music and listen to the radio frequently. Sometimes, don’t you feel that the songs we hear all the time become a bit repetitive? Sometimes we buy a song and listen to it so much until we need something new. I love hearing a remix of my favorite song on the radio. It’s like having a song you like transformed to be something knew for your ears. Listen to the original and the remix of a these two songs. The first is Breathe In by Frou Frou and the second is Poker Face by Lady Gaga.

Breath In (The Original) [Left] – Breath In (The Remix) [Right]


Poker Face (The Orginal) [Left] – Poker Face (The Remix) [Right]


Do you like a remix of a song better? Do you just find them an insult to the original? What are you’re thoughts?


  1. Alex beat me to it.

    I'm not a big fan of the DJ Encore remix of Breathe in. The Watkins and Aphrodite remixes are much better, IMO.

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