The Olympics Will Never Be Over!


From the when we first heard about them to this day, the Olympics have been a hot topic.  Now that the Closing Ceremony is finished, and the events are over, does this mean that the Olympics in turn are finished?

Over the past two weeks, people from all over the world have been supporting their country’s athletes in the various Olympic events.  The Olympics, being held in Vancouver, were even more of big thing for Canadians.  This post is dedicated to bringing you some moments and sounds of the Olympics.

I Believe – Nikki Yanofsky (Official Vancouver 2010 Olympics Theme Song)

[youtube vrCA0HK-yO0]

Joannie Rochette’s Bronze Medal Moment

[youtube Z7wbJZIFf1o]

I’d say Canada had a great Olympics!  With 26 medals in total – 14 gold, 7 silver, and 5 bronze – Canada’s pride will carry through until the next Olympics, when we’ll do it all over again.  The moments and memories we have will stay with us forever, and in our hearts, the Olympics will never be over.