The Most Interesting Candidate Running in the 2019 Alberta Election


Politics can be boring. But some of the candidates can be fun!

I present to you, Derek Fildebrant: The Hunter of Deer, the Landlord of Airbnbs, Double Claimer of Meals, and much more. There is a lot to be said about this man, but one glance at his Twitter will show you one very important thing about him, he is not afraid to show his personality.

With politicians, normally being so uptight and professional, it’s harder and harder to find yourself laughing or feeling a normal human connection with a politician these days. It’s a breath of fresh air, being able to laugh with a politician as they make witty jokes about their opposition and issues they care about. Here are some examples of Derek Fildebrant’s humour from his Twitter:

Rantings of a meat lover:

Giving his colleagues some friendly advice:

Agree with him or not, gotta admire how he speaks his mind:

Supporting peaceful protest:

Derek Fildebrandt isn’t afraid to speak about issues he cares about. It is nice to see that there are politicians who continue to speak their mind about issues they care about, despite the current political environment. Whether you agree with this man or not, it’s good that there are still politicians out there running for office because they want to create change for what they believe in. These politicians are a rare breed now, as more and more politicians morph their platforms so they can stay in office, ignoring what it means to have integrity.

If you’d like to learn more about Derek Fildebrandt and the Freedom Conservative Party of Alberta, visit their site here:

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