The Most Awesome Things Ever


#496 Seeing way worse weather on TV somewhere else

#538 Laughing so hard you start crying

#626 Riding home with a box of pizza on your lap

#635 When the hiccups stop

What do the above things have in common?  They’re all things that are awesome!  1000 Awesome Things is a site that counts down awesome things and is updated daily.  Neil Pasricha is the author of the site, which launched in June of 2008, and The Book of Awesome, where he takes all the awesome things from his site and compiles them all into one amazing book.

All the “awesome” entries on the site and in the book are are accompanied by a short story or commentary from Pasricha, placing emphasis on just how awesome each thing is.  All the instances he talks about are just everyday things that happen to everyone…things that you don’t even necessarily think about, but when they happen, it’s pretty fantastic.  #508 happened to me two days ago, and it was…well…awesome!

If each and every item on the list doesn’t bring a smile to your face (and make you appreciate the little things in life), I don’t know what will.

If, after checking out the website, you immediately want to run out and get the book (and happen to live in Calgary), check out the Chapters at Chinook Centre tonight – Pasricha is making an appearance and signing copies of the book beginning at 5pm!