The Mimic Octopus: Ninja of the Ocean


The ocean is full of countless bizarre animals, each one weirder than the next. Especially when it comes to their defense mechanisms, which seem alien. One of the weirdest and most spectacular defence mechanisms out there, is that of the mimic octopus. That’s why I’ve officially dubbed the mimic octopus, ninja of the ocean. 

The mimic octopus’ spongy body is made of muscle, without spine or any armour, and isn’t poisonous, making it very desirable prey for deep sea predators. As it’s name implies, this octopus can  not only change its shape and colour like many other octopuses, but has learned how to specially mimic a wide variety of creatures. What really makes this cool creature special, though, is that it is able to perfectly replicate not only the appearance of another animal, but replicate its behaviour and other traits, thus making it almost impossible to tell  apart from the original. 

The secret to the mimic octopus’ superpower? it uses pigment sacks known as chromatophores, to help it change colour and texture. When it comes to mimicking, this octopus will often change the position of its tentacles and increase its speed and swimming pattern according to the animal it’s mimicking.