The Meaningless. (A Poem.)


The simple things in life are often missed

Glazed over with never a second glance

Given to those things who most deserve it


There’s a common saying that in the grand scheme of things

Us humans are simply atoms drifting through the wide universe

Existing for .01 of a second

And ceasing all together


This saying is used to often justify the seeming lack of meaningfulness in ones life

Bringing their entire existence to a fragment of the world

That seemingly has no effect on others


This thinking encourages the fact that after ones death

If they haven’t been a rich tycoon or a beautiful celebrity

That their life ceases to exist and thus ceases meaning


This thinking encourages the thought of death

And the idea that we as humans are meaningless

So why does it matter if we live or die


For obviously, we are atoms in a vast plan of existence

And thus bring no change to the known world


This is where the flaw in thinking occurs

That a singular atom cannot change the course of human existence


Thinking back to the major historical events our earth has gone through

The earth is hit with comets

Molecules of DNA begin to form

Life starts to evolve

Animals form





Followed by a mass extinction


If even a singular atom where to be misplaced

Would these magnificent events occur?


If an atom of a cell was missing in the first evolution of animals

Would we have the animals we call native to our land today?


The missing atom would change the worlds course

And thus the world around us

Many times our lives are shaped by one event


With a single atom out of place

A single extra traffic light

These events would have been missed

And thus our lives as we know them would be changed forever


Life is so valuable

Whether we look at it as such or not

Plants and animals are beautifully detailed both in and out

The reasons for this may be unknown to us as a species

Yet, we know how much this matters


The simple things in life will continued to be glazed over

And ignored

Because such is the nature of humans

We never appreciate anything

Until it is gone


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