The Journey to The Edge Of The Universe


The Journey to the Edge of the Universe is a movie that NASA released a year and a half ago. When it came out, it was shown on some documentary channels like the Discovery Channel and National Geographic.

In this movie, it is shown how far NASA has actually gone and seen of the universe and the movie talks in great depth about the solar system, nearby galaxies, supernovas, black holes, etc. Something I found really cool was how the images were incredibly detailed and showed some very cool pictures of the universe. Originally, I was shown this video by my chemistry teacher and personally thought it was very cool.  There are many new and interesting things that no one even knew of some years ago. The video also shows how poisonous Venus might be to the Earth’s future if global warming occurs. What I thought was really cool was how the rocks on the moon can be used to extract liquid water. You can find the movie on YouTube but I am not sure if you are able to purchase it.

[vimeo 9384454]

This link will get you on your way to watch the full movie on YouTube. You will see some links in the side to watch the other parts of the movie.