The Internet’s idea of boredom busters


When I get bored, I often find myself Googling random things to pass time or to temporarily entertain myself. A little while ago, I looked up “things to do when you’re bored.” After scrolling through a few sites and not finding anything even relatively interesting, I stumbled upon “474 Things to Do When You’re Bored.” I started reading through them and found that most were rather bizarre, to say the least. These are my top 10.

10. Embarrass yourself

Gee, because I actually need to try.


9. Play the piano with mittens on

Being a pianist, I actually tried this and gave up from frustration five minutes later.

8. Sharpen your sleeping skills

Best practiced between between the hours of 9:30 p.m. and 10 a.m.

7. Watch a watch until it stops

If you have a lot of time at your disposal.

6. Develop hearing problems

Just go to a Justin Bieber concert. Either you’ll get hearing problems or wish you had.

5. Make a list of your favorite fungi

Ok, agaricus bisporus, tuber melanosporum…

4. Bend a florescent light

I’m not completely sure if I could justify the risk of mercury poisoning on this one.

3. Give your goldfish a perm

Wait, where did I put my home perm kit?

2. Defend your neighbourhood from roving Mongol hordes

Fine, but if Genghis Khan shows up, I’m out.

1. Raise professional certified racing turnips

Pfft, yeah, turnip racing is pretty legit.


Of course there were plenty I haven’t mentioned so you should totally check out the site at It’s nothing too special, but it’s totally worth a laugh.