The Ground – A Poem


Nervousness is an emotion that is not new to any of us. Whether it be before a major test, on the first day of school, or in a public setting, our throats start to dry, our palms sweat, or heart beat gets faster, and we feel unstable. When feeling that way, think about this poem I wrote recently:

The Ground

Beads of sweat drip

Down, down, and down my hands

It’s like a cascading waterfall

With no pool to collect in

It just keeps on dripping down

And down and






This never-ending waterfall makes me wonder,

Which way is down

Google says down is towards the ground

Down is towards the nurturing soil

Where the plants look up

With ever growing youthfulness

Down is the way where the rain drips

Plop, Plop, Plop


And then I wonder again

This time, I think…

What if there is no ground?

No ground means that there is no down

Then where do my beads of sweat drip?

No ground means that there is no down

So then where will the rain drip?

No ground means that there is no down

So then where will I stand?

Where will I stand in this never ending universe of ours?

And with this never ending waterfall of mine?


I will be like a lost grain of pollen,

Tossed and turned, pushed, and pulled by the wind

Meandering my way to the ground

Where I can rest, and rejuvenate

The ground which is down.

Down beneath my feet.


The ground, there it is!

Right where stand

Is my ground