The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins


Due to the controversial nature of this book, I intend to stay neutral and unbiased. I will review this just like all the other books I’ve reviewed.

Religion vs. Atheism is one of the largest arguments today. Richard Dawkins, world renowned biologist and one of the most famous atheists in the world sets out to disprove God (in general), prove that religion hinders society, and to disprove arguments made by the other side.

When I first started reading this book, I was stunned. I have never seen, heard or read anything where religion was attacked so relentlessly and disrespectfully. Richard constantly insults and speaks down to religion. He also goes around debunking religious beliefs in a very harsh manner.

Each chapter Richard would discuss an aspect of the Religion vs. Atheism argument.  Richard would take a religious claim; explain why it’s illogical using examples, wit, irony and his own logic. He would then disprove the claim with scientific evidence. He would also give real life examples to strengthen his claims.

To my surprise, this book was actually quite interesting. I thought I would have to force myself to finish this book. I mean non-fiction? Yuck! But after Chapter 1, I became fascinated; every few pages I would find myself thinking, “Wow, I’ve never thought of things this way.”

Bottom Line – the way I see it, this book is still just a position paper, a very long, very well written, intelligent, funny and interesting position paper, but still just a position paper. Therefore, this book will only be interesting to those who are already interested in this topic. I would recommend this book to theists and atheists who are interested in this argument, and I give it a 4/5.