The Future of Photography


As printed in the Scarlett FEVER.

On Aug. 31 , 2010, Canon Inc. announced its newest image sensor for digital cameras – a CMOS sensor the size of your face.

Image courtesy of

At 202 x 205mm, this new image sensor has absolutely no precedent in an age where most cameras have a sensor smaller than a pinky fingernail and even the pros only work with chips the size of a film negative.  Aside from the fact that a camera wielding this sensor would be nigh-unportable, the world of photography  truly has an amazing future; Canon claims their new sensor requires only 1/100th the amount of light a regular sensor needs, and can shoot video at 60 frames-per-second while only requiring ½ the amount of light available on a moonlit night.

What does this mean for all the photographers out there? Even though there’s a good chance no one will ever release a camera with a sensor this big for consumer use, it means camera corporations are making huge steps in terms of the quality and capability of their cameras, which in turn means that much more capable cameras are in the works. Keep an eye out for new cameras with bigger and better sensors; they’re coming your way!