The Cool Kazoo


When thinking of simple instruments, what comes to mind? Maybe you’re thinking of a little toy drum or one of those small, rainbow xylophones. Or maybe a kazoo crosses your mind. A kazoo is a sort of wind instrument that the player hums into instead of blowing air. It is wider at one end and tapered at the other end. There are no buttons or valves. A membrane inside the kazoo vibrates when the player hums, which creates the buzzing sound.

An instrument similar to the kazoo was used in Africa for many years before the creation of the modern kazoo. The history of today’s instrument, however, is not certain. It is said that the kazoo was invented by Alabama Vest in 1840, with the prototype made by clockmaker Thaddeus Von Clegg. They demonstrated the instrument with the name “Down South Submarine” at the Georgia State Fair in 1852. Emil Sorg saw the kazoo at the fair and worked on the large-scale production of the instrument with Michael McIntyre, released in the early 1900s. However, there is no documentation of any of this to verify the beginnings of the kazoo. In 1902, the classic kazoo was patented by George D. Smith.

Kazoos can be made of metal, wood, glass, or plastic. Today, kazoos are most often made of plastic. More expensive kazoos are made of metal, usually stainless steel. Kazoos have also been made with silver and gold. Being made of different materials, there may be a difference in the harmonics of plastic and metal kazoos, although it could be hard to distinguish these differences with the naked ear. It is also possible to make your own kazoo using materials found around the house.

As with other instruments, whimsical or not, people take the time to make all sorts of music with the kazoo. Enjoy listening to these different musical pieces and arrangements featuring the kazoo.

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