The Calgary Zoo

A resting lion
Image by AvinaCeleste from Pixabay

Showing Appreciation for the Zoo

A few years ago, when I visited the Calgary Zoo for the first time, I was amazed by the giant exhibitions and the unique animals that live within them. I still remember vividly about seeing the penguins; some of them small and others quite large. Also, I remember a funny scene of a hippo enjoying a watermelon! From monkeys, insects, to reptiles, the Calgary Zoo is truly a fantastic place to discover more about wildlife.

The Zoo

The Calgary Zoo is located right next to the Bow River, along Memorial Drive NE in Calgary. In it, we can discover several sections: “Wild Canada” which hosts many animals native to Canada, such as the Black Bear and Great grey owl. We also see “Destination Africa”, “Dorothy Harvie Gardens”, and “Exploration Asia”. The “Exploration Asia” section contains Gibbons, Camels, Markhars, all extraordinary creatures that are under the care of the staff.

Prehistoric Park

In addition to the live creatures, the zoo also contains a park which hosts several dinosaur “models”! Apparently, these “dinosaurs” react as tourists arrive to observe them, and the setting is also set up to resemble the environment of the time period the dinosaurs lived in. If you would like to access a map of the zoo, here it is!

Taking Leadership in Encouraging Conservation

Did you know that the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo is one of Alberta’s oldest charitable organizations? The zoo opened almost a century ago, and according to their website, the zoo “continues to redefine [their] role” as they are journeying “to become Canada’s leader in wildlife conservation.”

The Wilder Institute also operates the off-site Wildlife Conservation and Archibald Biodiversity Centres. The organization is so much larger than just a single zoo facility!

An iguana
Image by Gekonek from Pixabay

Security and Health When Visiting

For all tourists visiting the zoo, note that the entire facility is smoke and vape-free. First aid can be found on site. If a visitor’s possession is lost, they are encouraged to call Security at the number 403-232-9341. The Lost and Found itself is found near 12th Street SE, “located at the Security office south of the ENMAX Conservatory.”

All visitors are also assured that there is a fully equipped first aid station on site.

If you would like to discover more about the Calgary Zoo, be sure to check out their website!