The best Valentine’s gift ever: Memory album


I promise you, this will be a gift your special one would cherish forever. Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate your love for your special one. And I feel, love is about those special moments and the little things that matter the most. Share those moments with your loved one on this special day. Gift them a MEMORY ALBUM!


  • A blank diary with a colorful cover
  • A pair of scissors
  • Cardboard Cutter
  • Glue
  • Decorative articles of your choice
  • Photographs

Procedure: Cut a small square of cardboard from the centre of the cover page of the diary. Decorate all the pages of the diary, stick pictures. Write simple love notes on the sides of the pages. Write blurbs about those special moments. Doodling is your friend!! Make this diary beautiful…just like your relationship!!

memory lane
