The best April Fool’s Day jokes of 2014


Ah, April Fool’s Day, the day where for once you can pull a prank without getting into too much trouble… or get even. Regardless, I always find that the things people do to trick others on this day are quite creative and amusing, since I personally don’t really have the creativity to pull off one myself. As far as I’m concerned, I’m starting to think people find it to be somewhat of a holiday. Here are just some of the many interesting things that popped up during this year’s April Fool’s:

  • Vegemite: Apparently the Australian based food paste is releasing a new energy drink, Vegemite iDrink 2.0, according to its post on their Facebook page.


  • Turtle Delivery: LEGO Introduced a turtle delivery system, delivering its new Ninja Turtles Lego Set with turtles. Note: Shipping times may vary.


  • Cats React: In adorable react fashion, the Fine Brothers uploaded a video featuring cats watching and reacting to viral videos, as per regular react style. Absolute cuteness overload.
  • Sizzling Bacon: Netflix’s new original series definitely looks like its going to be a yummy one. I mean, come on, sizzling bacon.


  • Vsauce: The ever awesome and quirky YouTube science channel released Noggin’ Blow, a video that talks about historical inventions in a creative funny way.
  • Google: This final one is my personal favorite and quite possibly the most creative one. Google Maps invites you to use their app to capture Pokemon (gotta catch them all), in an augmented reality sort of way. You have no idea how much I wished this was real.

Tell me in the comments if you had any favorite April Fool’s Day Pranks, or if you pulled some of your own. 😉