The art of pop-up books


If you always feel like your card or project is too plain, then check out this guy Robert Sabuda who made paper arts special.

Robert grew up in the small town of Pinckney. The first time he picked up a crayon, he discovered himself as an artist, and drawing and crafting was all he did. Robert first started to have interest in pop-up arts when he visited a dentist and discovered a pop-up book. From that time on, everyone started giving him pop-up books and cards and he made some of the simple pop-up cards by studying these books.

After that, he dedicated his life to the arts and he started to learn how children’s books are created. He went through many troubles to get to the place he is in today, where he works in a studio in New York with his partner Matthew Reinhart.

Look at all of the amazing pop up books he did for children.


That’s Robert at the back

If you want to learn more about Robert and want to learn how to make simple pop-up arts then you can go on this site:
This is where you can read everything about him and learn fun stuff!