Unless you live in a utopia, you have probably been subjected to lying. Deception is a common theme throughout society, for the best or for the worst, is up to one’s own discretion. In order to protect oneself from detecting deception or being detected of lying, here are some few tips for empirical observations:
- Eye contact: Indeed, when the people say, “Look me in the eyes…” the statement actually has some accuracy. People who desire to hide something will usually avoid eye contact (check out this link to decode the meaning of the direction eyes look at). Eyes are truly the window to the soul.
- Timing: Timing is everything. A slightly delayed response or action may reveal that a person is not sincere and that their answer is forced. For example, when you ask a friend, “Do you like my new haircut?” and they respond with a slight hesitance, “Yeah, it’s nice.” You should re-evaluate your hairdresser… or your friend.
- Mismatch: If someone’s face expression does not match their words, it is evidence of lying. I think I first became aware of this as I watched someone on CNN or Nancy Grace analyze Lindsay Lohan’s body language during one of her court trials. When someone says “Yes,” yet shakes his/her head, you know that their is some part of them that self-consciously is saying no.
- Distracted much?: A liar will appear to get distracted easily. They will look at other objects around the room or pick up something to put in between you and him/herself. This is a method that means to describe the uncomfortableness of the person lying as well as stating their self-conscious means to distance him/herself from you.
- Detail overload: Too much detail in a statement may reveal that a person is being insincere about what he/she is saying. Creating an overly intricate statement is a sign that the person clearly thought comprehensively before responding and thus, leading to unnatural behaviour and deception.
Not every liar may or may not display these areas of observation. But at least you will be prepared for a society tainted by deception, we call the “real world.”
For more tips on detecting lies, visit this link.