That Brown Fuzzy Monster With A Big Mouth?


You know the one I’m talking about… Those black, beady eyes? That brown, fuzzy body? Those sharp, white teeth? That big, bright red mouth? I’m sure you’ve all seen him before…but you probably didn’t know his name. Here’s a photo to jog your memory:


But don’t be scared off by his angry looking mouth, he’s actually a very gentle creature! His name is Domo (pronounced like dough-moe) and he loves Japanese-style meat and potato stew. However, he hates apples though. Why? Nobody really knows–apparently it’s just part of his DNA. He’s described as a strange creature that hatched from an egg with a large, sawtoothed mouth that is locked wide open. Something funky about him? He passes gas when he’s nervous or upset! Anyways, as far as I know, he loves watching TV and he lives in a cave with an elderly rabbit and two bats…I know I sound crazy, but please cut me some slack and let the video below explain everything!

[google -4255534888093882055]

The video is a tad long, but it compiles a bunch of Domo’s stop motion animated episodes into one…it’s also subtitled for those of us who don’t speak Japanese!

Did you know that Domo is actually the mascot for a Japanese TV station? I think that TV station must be pretty awesome to have such a baller mascot like Domo. Now, for those of you who are major Domo fans, I hope you know that Domo shirts and Domo hats exist, in addition to Domo as a stuffie. I think I’m going to have to be on the look out for those items!

Domo HatDomo Shirt

Anyways, yeah, as you may or may not have guessed, I’ve been obsessing over Domo a lot recently since my friend has the most huggable stuffie of him ever. Honestly, I jack it from his car every time I can. There is something oddly comforting about hugging Domo that I really can’t explain…maybe checking out Domo’s website will help you to learn to love this little guy? Cheers! =]


  1. I've always seen Domo around…but never could figure out how he was so popular! haha…this mascot is definitely cute. The Japanese sure come up with the coolest fuzzy monsters!

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