Thank you Frontline Workers!


Some superheroes do not wear capes. Frontline workers are those superheroes in our lives. To all the firefighters, policemen, grocery workers, retail workers, doctors, nurses, and other essential and frontline workers, I would like to express a heavy THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

Even during the toughest times of our pandemic, the frontline workers sacrificed aspects of their lives to work essential jobs. They put forward their hardest efforts and skills in order to help others during these unprecedented situations. Their hard work has not and will not go unnoticed. Their commitment, skill, and dedication all make a massive positive difference in our lives today. I truly appreciate the frontline workers’ hard work and dedication toward their communities. Respect the work that they do for us. And, admire their contribution to our community. I cannot fully express my appreciation, gratitude, and gratefulness, towards them and their brave families. 

The pandemic has changed and transformed everyone’s life. Some have found positive moments by learning new activities and finding more family time during quarantine. But, others have faced many losses and unfortunate circumstances. In one way or another, it has irreversibly affected almost everyone’s life.

Today, I would like to dedicate my blog post to all the frontline heroes in our lives. They have faced an unimaginable amount of toll, trauma, and obstacles. They work essential jobs despite facing an enormous amount of stress for not only themselves but also their families. In appreciation for these modern-day heroes, I would like to share a poem by Patience Spinoza Okuku that I felt was powerful, inspiring, and heart-warming:

Unsung Heroes and heroines – by Patience Spinoza Okuku

When our grandchildren ask us about 2020,

We shall tell them about how,

When everything stopped…

When everything closed…

When everyone worked and studied from home,

Some heroes and heroines braved the unknown.


We took a step back,

They took a step forward.


Tempers high… at our worst behavior

Afraid we all were,

Exemplified by the scarcity of toilet papers…

Yet boldly, selflessly, and fearlessly these ladies and gentlemen pushed on

Mask marks,

Overtime shifts,

Generous as before, they smiled on…comforting those they encountered

Risking their own safety and that of their families

Reassuring us that there is hope

Leading the way


If ever your sacrifice went unnoticed or you felt less appreciated,

We are sorry

Pardon the follies of our past that took your effort for granted

We owe everything to you

We have seen who we all cannot do without

Because while we retracted,

You boldly advanced

Facing an enemy unlike any other – cunning, uncouth, invisible enemy

You are at the core of our society.


You are human like the rest of us,

With hearts and hurts, fears and dears.

Amid our flickering worst, you allowed your very glittering best…

Reminding us who really mattered in our society.


To the faces behind the masks and the gentle souls behind the gloves,

We salute you!

For you are the unsung HEROES and HEROINES!

You are the real MVPs of our lives!

By: Patience Spinoza Okuku 

For me, this poem shows the ways in which frontline workers have helped society during the pandemic. Furthermore, it wholeheartedly appreciates their competence, energy, and courage.

Next time, you visit a grocery store, doctor, or see any essential workers, I would encourage you to take the time to wave, thank, and appreciate our essential workers for all the products and services that they provide us with. By spreading positivity and hope, we can help motivate one another through these tough times. Small changes can make a big difference!

Once again, a big thank you to all those superheroes in our lives that serve us without capes; or, in other words, thank you, frontline workers!


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