Tech in the Pandemic


A  mug filled to brim with tea patiently waits in front of a teenage girl.

She picks it up slowly enough to embrace its heat.

She takes a long, deep sip, meaning to place it back onto the table before her.

But she doesn’t.

Instead, letting the warmth from its contents seep through her skin to her achy bones.

It feels as though its temperature is gradually rising in her very hand.

Warmer, but not uncomfortable.

She shifts as if to set the mug down, hand and drink drifting away from its place of familiarity near her heart…



A dim, luminescent light bounces off the girl’s face for only a second but it’s already done it’s work.

That ding is too familiar.

The sound emitted travels through the ear straight to the heart,

It’s unique yet generic chime ripples through the blood to the rest of the body.

Muscles start to stiffen.

The jaw sets.

Knots are tied in the stomach.


Mug in hand, the girl continues to embrace the warmth of her drink, a little more now, causing her fingertips to tingle.

Her focus on that very mug seems to slowly drain away all of her tension, 

Eventually leaving her just as easeful as she had moments ago.


The only problem is that she knows what awaits her,

Wickedly laughing, blue light beaming from its rapacious eyes.

But for now, she will remain sitting, mug in hand. 



Over quarantine, the majority of the world was slammed into what seemed like a never ending period of despair. Technology made an appearance into our lives in ways that we never could have expected and with it, inevitably brought feelings of anxiety and stress. As COVID-19 seems to finally come to a close (still be cautious though!), I thought I would write something that reflected the feeling many had towards technology and school or work during the pandemic. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and have a restful summer break! 

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