Tech Highlights Week 4: Top 10 iPhone Apps


1. Facebook

Assuming you have a Facebook account, you’d quite literally be insane not to have this app. Watch your news feed, send messages, upload photos, stalk that individual you so dearly desire… o.o


2. Dropbox

Dump the files you want to sync in a folder on your computer, and your device will allow you to access them, download them, and even view them.


3. Skype

Allows you to use Skype on the go! Though a little finicky and annoying, it’s still a good download if you are a heavy skype user.


4. iBooks

iBooks is a great all around app, it allows you to read ebooks and pdfs on your iPhone, and it even allows you to upload your own pdfs, such as formula sheets and manga!

…is that lame?

If you like iBooks, check out the Kindle app!


5. Wikipanion

An iPhone app dedicated to providing a seamless Wikipedia browsing experience, ad free!




Mobile dictionary, useful for trying to figure out what the heck a chatoyant diaphanous desultory inglenook is.


7. Adobe Photoshop Express

A quick, free, highly usable tool for editing your iPhone’s photos.




8. Shazam

Hold your iPhone next to a speaker and Shazam will figure out the song for you.


9. Bump

Bump enables you to select contacts and “bump” your device into another to transfer details.


First Aid

10. Pocket First Aid & CPR

I thought about leaving this one out because it costs money, but I think that this app is especially important. Having saved numerous lives before, this app gives you hundreds of pages and videos that you can easily access in an emergency to save a life. CPR, seizures, cuts, wounds and more.