Tech Highlights Week 2: Top 5 Chrome Extensions


Hello all! I’ve decided to create a weekly Tech segment for YAA. For week 2, I present to you my top 5 Google Chrome extensions, once again, speedy-like:

Adblock Plus

1. Adblock Plus for Google Chrome (Beta)

An absolute must-have extension. It blocks almost all banners, popups, and layer advertisements. It also disables video-ads on YouTube and hides annoying images on any website. It is completely configurable so you can use it to block anything you want (Rick Roll anyone?)


2. Bubble Translate

Bubble translate allows you to translate any section of text without leaving your web-page using Google Translate. Simply highlight the text and hit the icon in the menu bar.


3. Better Gmail

If you are a heavy Gmail user like me, this is a must-have extension.



  • Remove chat
  • Remove invite friend
  • Remove ads
  • Remove footer
  • Remove web search button
  • Add highlight row
  • Add attachment icons
  • Move contacts and taks link to top navigation.
  • Make Gmail default email application (open email link with gmail)
  • New email notification through a pop up message

4. Google Chrome Dual View

This allows you to view more than one web-page on the same window, similar to the half window effect of Windows 7.


5. Stylish

Themes for… everything! (Fb included)