Tech Highlights: Team Fortress 2, now free!


Ah free. I love that word. As most avid gamers probably already know, Valve decided to make Team Fortress 2 free, permanently! Now opting for a microfinance based income source, Valve has indeed released TF2 to the masses on Steam. Link here:

TF2 is probably one of the most fun games I’ve ever played, and with other titles such as Portal 2 and the Half Life series, Valve never ceases to impress. I can say with reasonable certainty that this is the only game that I can think of that is still fun as heck to be terrible at.

Now earlier I mentioned microfinance, so I should probably elaborate. The game is still free, but there is an online store where you can buy items for your characters. A “premium” account is needed to purchase from the store, and to “craft” certain items. But not to worry, Valve designed the game so that even free accounts can have access to all these items! Simply put, after X amount of time, you automatically “discover” an item! This means that you are not at a disadvantage, unlike countless other free to play games.

Here is an overview:

[youtube h_c3iQImXZg] [youtube eQ8duKs2Plw]

They left out Pyro in the first video but they show it in the second.

Have fun!