Team Fortress’ Biggest Update Yet


If you haven’t caught up with Valve news lately, then here it is:

MEET THE MEDIC IS HERE! Wait, that’s probably not what you wanted…

Team Fortress 2 is free. Forever. Like, forever and ever and ever and even until after you’re dead!

With several modes like Capture the Flag and Capture the Point, TF2 plays like any good first-person shooter. With cartoon-y graphics and a lovable cast of 9 playable characters, who wouldn’t fall in love with this game?

From the original release of TF2, over one million of copies have been sold. Sure, that might not be as much as Call of Duty (or whatever), but trust me, it’s a brilliant game. With constant free updates (PC exclusive), who wouldn’t want to play TF2?

If you want to see what the very first edition of TF2 was like, buy The Orange Box on PS3 or Xbox 360 to find out. It’s not pretty; lots of bugs, limited map selection and pretty much less epic than the PC version. But, who wants to buy a disc version on a console when you can get the game FOR FREE?!?!?!?!?

Well, I already have the game so it sucks for all the paying customers–actually it doesn’t. Thanks to all the paying customers, I can convert all my TF2 PS3 playing buddies to the PC version! All they really need is a decent PC and a good mouse. And that should be pretty affordable.

So anyway, go buy download TF2 now, and be amazed by the awesomeness that is, TF2.