SYC T-Shirt Competition!


SYC (Sikh Youth Calgary) is having an exciting T-Shirt Competition to encourage youth in Calgary to submit a design which will portray a positive and powerful message to the community. The best designs will get a $50 gift card. Not only that, you also get a free T-Shirt and the winner’s names are announced throughout the year. The deadline to submit designs is on March 21, 2012.

Submission Details

– Ensure your artwork can fit in a 11’’ by 11’’ area.

– Designs should not cross over any seams. (Particularly the right and left arm seams or the neck seam.)

– Please try to submit a variation of colors.

– If you are electronically designing a shirt, please ensure you are not breaking any copyright laws.

– Please shear away from using “Extremist” or  “Radical” personas or ideologies in your designs.

– Include with your submission a  small 1-2 sentence write up explaining your creation.

Here are some additional guidelines that will help you create your winning T-Shirt!

 The following themes are applicable for the designs:

1) Charitable Causes (Cancer, Food Drives, Famine, Etc.)

2) Sports/Wildlife

3) Life Events (Changes in the Upcoming Year, Revolutions, Etc.)

Ther are two categories: DESIGNS and SLOGANS.

The top few designs and slogans will be chosen. Quotes can be something you’ve read, or something you’ve created. They are being judged, however, so find that most inspirational and touching piece of writing you can find. Remember that there are two categories, so there is a lot of potential to win.

Get working on your T-Shirt Desings right away and you could be the winner of the wonderful prizes available.